Helping leaders
and teams get
Short version: As the co-founder of BETTER, I've been all over the country working with top leaders, teams, coaches, athletes and organizations with the primary goal of helping people get better. Better at leading, better at communicating, better at connecting, better at thinking, better at performing. I write a daily email to help leaders get better. You can sign up for it here.
Longer version: I have a new book on overcoming adversity and building mental toughness that you can get here. I wrote a best-selling book on getting better and unlocking your potential that you can get here. I founded Fieldhouse Media to help college athletes, coaches and administrators be better on social media. My focus lately is helping leaders and teams unlock their potential and performance with BETTER. I'm also a partner with GiANT and a certified Mental Performance Mastery coach. I've presented and spoken on more than 400 college campuses and national conventions over the past 12 years. I've been quoted by places like ESPN, The New York Times and USA Today. I'm fueled by coffee, read a lot of books and run a lot of miles. I live in OKC with my incredible wife Megan, and my three boys Gabe, Noah and Asher.

Who I've Worked With

How I Can Help You

I've given more than 500 keynotes, presentations and workshops - from social media use to leadership, culture to communication - over the last 10 years. Whether a crowd of dozens or thousands (on a campus, conference or church), in person or virtual, I love bringing a combination of energy and practical application to an audience, helping them leave both entertained and with a plan to get better.

Culture is a competitive advantage. Most leaders talk about it, great leaders create it. I work with sports teams and organizations of all sizes to help implement a leadership operating system. It's a simple, scalable solution that impacts communication, influence, alignment execution and capacity, in order to build high-performing teams and a championship culture.


365 days of leadership inspiration and challenge

How social media is changing the student athlete experience